It’s been awhile since I have taken the time to coupon. I actually got pretty good at it. I really enjoyed looking for deals and saving tons of money, but it does take time. Time is something that I just can't seem to find enough of these days. So, over the last few months I have stopped couponing.
Inspired by my recent reduction in pay and a Facebook post by The Krazy Coupon Lady, I decided to spend a little time and take a small trip to the store using coupons.
Here is what I got

Look at my savings
So maybe a lot of this stuff is junk, but the kids only have a few weeks left of summer break and had friends over yesterday, so I was going to buy them some crappy food as a special treat anyways. I figure if I am going to give my kids and their friends soda, an 8 oz serving is better than a regular 12 oz can. Right?
Everything except the Activa was purchased with a coupon but it was on sale for $1.88 which is a GREAT price so I couldn’t pass it up.
Okay, so I didn't get anything for free like those exteme couponers on TV, but 50% savings isn't too bad. I think the most I have saved is about 66% but still TOTALLY WORTH the time. I will try this again.
Here are my tips for using coupons:
1) Go Online to find coupons for things you NORMALLY buy. (It doesn’t save you money to buy something you don’t use, like or need) Try sites like or coupon network
2) Lock up the cat. If you don’t, this will happen!
3) Match your coupons to your weekly mailers to find the best deals.
4) Clip the coupons you want to use.
5) Hit the stores.
Want more tips? Check out this video from Krazy Coupon Lady. I thought it was pretty good.
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