My days can be very long sometimes. Often by the end of the day my mind is a gooey mess, like melting jello. Green melting jello. At least that's how I envision it. This leads to a lot of misspoken words. The other night I was driving my kids home from a youth event. The car behind me had very bright lights. I think they were those new halogen lights or something. I looked in my rear view mirror and felt like I was staring into the sun. Which lead to this conversation; Me: Those brights are light!!! My son: What? Me(with confidence): Those brights are light, I can't see!!! My son: Did you REALLY get a full scholarship to college? Sometimes I kinda find that hard to believe. Sometimes that's hard for me to believe too. At one point in my life I was extremely smart, or so I was told. Now, I find that my vocabulary is lacking, my memory is failing and I feel like my brain is on Dial-up. So please forgive me if you pass ...
A happily single, semi-chrunchy mother's journey.